If your beauty machine has 2 or more than 2 signs becomes red and alarmings, please follow this article to solve the problem.
1 – Firstly, please check if water is 100% full or not? Must make it 100% full, better to make it overflow from the vent.
2 – Then check if the handle is well connected or not? If you recently just changed to new water filters, please also check if water filters are well connected or not? Must ensure both the handle and the water filter are well connected, then proceed to next step
3- Open the machine shell and check the control board and power supply
3.1) Please take off this part in control board, check if there is any burn here.
If here is burnt, then it is problem of control board – You need to change to a new control board.
If control board is not burnt, then please check the switch power as below:
Remove all the parts in red circle, only keep green circle lines connected
Then check below light is light up or not:
If light is on then power is ok, if light is off then it means power has problem.